Stockholm Youth Strategy Meeting for Rio+20!


Change Mob had the privileged to join 30+ youth representatives from 23 countries from all corners of the world that gathered in Stockholm for the UN CSD Major Group for Children and Youth Strategy Meeting!



Youth and Children from the world getting ready for Rio+20!

Thanks a lot Rio+20s & LSU (Swedish Youth Council) for making it happen!!!

Understanding Youth-led Impact Around the World!

Today #ChangeMob took part in the meeting of the UN-HABITAT Urban Youth Research Network in Nairobi.


The Urban Youth Research Network was formally launched at UN-Habitat’s 23rd Governing Council with the presentation of three urban youth research papers. The purpose of the network is for UN-Habitat to be a catalytic agency in the area of youth policy and research, bringing together leading agencies in the area of urban youth policy and research.

The network started with research papers presented by the Norwegian Centre for Child Research, the Norwegian School of Sport and Sciences and the Children, Youth and Environments Centre, University of Colorado, but currently have already a much broader and dynamic membership.

#ChangeMob, as youth-led agency believe it’s crucial to partner with researchers and research institutes in order to create the evidence data we need to prove how effective youth-led development can be. It is also an incredible opportunity for us to identify knowledge gaps and come up with possible research pieces that can better inform policy making on different youth related issues around the world.

To learn more about the Network, and read the different research papers, check:

Oportunidade para Jovens Brasileiros!

Treinamento p/ Multiplicadores: Consultas Pro-Ativas para Rio+20 (UNICEF)

Na próxima segunda-feira, dia 12 de março, das 10h às 17h, a #Change Mob e o UNICEF vão realizar um super treinamento voltado para jovens e organizações que estão envolvidos ou querem se envolver nas mobilizações para a Conferência das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, a Rio+20. Participe!!!

Nesta reta final até a Rio+20, muitas organizações e movimentos estão planejando ou já trabalhando para envolver suas comunidades nos temas da Rio +20. O UNICEF e seus parceiros enfatizam a importância de usar esta oportunidade para desenvolver as habilidades dos jovens e capacitá-los para identificar, desenhar e iniciar a construção do futuro que queremos. Estamos esperando que você se junte a nós para executar consultas proativas em suas comunidades ao longo dos próximos meses, mobilizar os jovens para mapear os recursos em suas comunidades, desenvolver e priorizar soluções para os desafios atuais, criar planos de ação para o seu próprio trabalho e identificar maneiras para participar de tomada de decisão localmente.

Não fique de fora! Junte-se a nós para uma formação de multiplicadores que vai ajudar você e sua organização a desenvolver estratégias ideais para seus próximos projetos, treinamentos e consultas. O objetivo é garantir um espaço para que os jovens possam expressar suas visões para o “futuro que queremos” a nível local, nacional e internacional e, ainda, empoderá-los para que estes jovens desenvolvam planos de ação para suas comunidades.


Treinamento: Consultas Pro-Ativas para Rio+20 (UNICEF)

Facilitadora: Caroline Howe (@CarolineLHowe)

Data:12 de março de 2012

Local: São Paulo, Rua Augusta, n.º 1239, cj 11, Consolação, CEP: 01305-100

Horário: das 10h às 17h (pausa de 1hr para almoço)

Apoio: #ChangeMob, Revista Viração e Rio+Você


Infelizmente as inscrições já se foram fechadas devido ao fato que já ultrapassamos o número máximo de participantes.

Mas você ainda pode registrar para receber as atualizações e os resultados, no mesmo link:

Youth 21: Increasing youth participation in the UN system!

Are you a youth activist or advocate?! Do you think young people should play a greater role in the UN system?! Do you have views on what should be the mandate of the UN SG Special Advisor on Youth issues?! So you got to stay tuned on the Youth 21 Initiative!!!

The UN-HABITAT Urban Youth Fund facebook page will be hosting all the information on the Youth 21 Initiative and will be filled with updates in the lead up to and during the Global Youth 21 – March Meeting in Nairobi (March 15 – 18).

Make sure you are connected with us to find out how you can be involved in this initiative to increase youth engagement in the UN and in democratic governance.

Joao’s story on TEDxAmazon

Finally it’s published the english translation of TEDx Talk our founder Joao did at TEDxAmazon in November 2010.

If you don’t know about the TED Talks, you MUST take some time to check out and listen to some inspiring stories and ideas from great entrepreneurs/pioneers/thinkers/doers from around the world…

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. (Worth checking out TEDxJovem @ Ibira website: that happened last December 4th, co-organized by Joao as well!).

In his TEDxTalk, Joao explains a bit of his story and path.. and share the lessons learned about engaging young people.

João Felipe Scarpelini was born with a habit of saving the world. At age 13, he wrote his first social project. The adults didn’t taken him seriously, of course. Today at age 24, he is dedicated to take teens seriously.